The Dashboard

The signac-dashboard visualizes data stored in a signac project. To install the signac-dashboard package, see Installation.


As with any web server, be aware of the Security Guidelines.


The code below will open a dashboard for an existing signac project. Write the file containing:

from signac_dashboard import Dashboard
from signac_dashboard.modules import StatepointList, DocumentList, ImageViewer, Schema

modules = [

if __name__ == "__main__":

Launch the dashboard with python run --port 8888. The terminal output provides access instructions: To access this server, connect to: http://localhost:8888/login?token=<hidden>. Using your web browser, navigate to this URL (with the full token provided on the terminal) to open and login to the dashboard.

Once the dashboard is open, use the “Views” panel in the sidebar to switch the view from list view to grid view. Select which modules’ cards to show using the “Modules” panel in the sidebar. Select “Project” in the sidebar to display cards for the project.

Included modules

A module turns select information from the job directory or project directory into cards displayed on the dashboard.

See the full list of available modules and their options.

Specifying a custom job title

By creating a class that inherits from Dashboard (which we’ll call MyDashboard), we can begin to customize some of the functions that make up the dashboard, like job_title(), which gives a human-readable title to each job.

class MyDashboard(Dashboard):
    def job_title(self, job):
        return "Concentration(A) = {}".format(job.sp["conc_A"])

if __name__ == "__main__":

Running dashboards on a remote host

To use dashboards hosted by a remote computer, open an SSH tunnel to the remote computer and forward the port where the dashboard is hosted. For example, connect to the remote computer with

ssh -L 8890:localhost:8888

to forward port 8888 on the host to port 8890 on your local computer.

The process looks like this:

  1. Open an SSH connection to the remote server with a forwarded port using a command like the one shown above.

  2. Launch signac-dashboard on the remote server, using the remote port you forwarded (port 8888 in the example above).

  3. On your local computer, open your browser to the local port (this is http://localhost:8890 in the example above).

Dissecting the dashboard structure

  • Jobs can be displayed in list view or grid view. The list view provides quick descriptions and status information from many jobs, while the grid view is intended to show text and media content from one or more jobs.

  • Templates provide the HTML structure of the dashboard’s pages, written in Jinja template syntax for rendering content on the server

  • Modules are server-side Python code that interface with your signac data to display content. Generally, a module will render content from a specific job into a card template.

  • Cards are a type of template that is shown in grid view and contains content rendered by a module.

Searching jobs

The search bar uses the query syntax of the signac find command line tool, including the query namespaces 'sp.' and 'doc.'.

Queries checking for values can be entered without the JSON formatting (for example “sp.a 1 doc.b 2”). This example will return all jobs where the job state point key a has the value 1 and the job document key b has the value 2.

The full Query API can be used for complex expressions. The example query becomes {"sp.a": 1, "doc.b": 2}.