Source code for signac_dashboard.modules.image_viewer

# Copyright (c) 2022 The Regents of the University of Michigan
# All rights reserved.
# This software is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License.
import glob
import itertools
import os

from flask import render_template

from signac_dashboard.module import Module

[docs]class ImageViewer(Module): """Displays images that match a glob. The ImageViewer module can display images in any format that works with a standard ``<img>`` tag. The module defaults to showing all images of PNG, JPG, GIF, and SVG types in the job or project directory. A filename or glob can be defined to select specific filenames. Each matching file yields a card. Multiple ImageViewer modules can be defined with different filenames or globs to enable/disable cards for each image or image group. :Example: .. code-block:: python from signac_dashboard.modules import ImageViewer img_mod = ImageViewer() # Show all PNG/JPG/GIF/SVG images img_mod = ImageViewer(name='Bond Order Diagram', img_globs=['bod.png']) img_mod = ImageViewer(context="ProjectContext", img_globs=['/gallery/*.png']) # search subdirectory of project path :param context: Supports :code:`'JobContext'` and :code:`'ProjectContext'`. :type context: str :param img_globs: A list of glob expressions or exact filenames, relative to the job or project directory, to be displayed (default: :code:`['*.png', '*.jpg', '*.gif', '*.svg']`). :type img_globs: list :type sort_key: callable :param sort_key: Key to sort the image files, passed internally to :code:`sorted`. """ _supported_contexts = {"JobContext", "ProjectContext"} def __init__( self, name="Image Viewer", context="JobContext", template="cards/image_viewer.html", img_globs=("*.png", "*.jpg", "*.gif", "*.svg"), sort_key=None, **kwargs, ): super().__init__( name=name, context=context, template=template, **kwargs, ) self.img_globs = img_globs self.sort_key = sort_key def get_cards(self, job_or_project): if self.context == "JobContext": jobid = job_or_project._id modal_label = job_or_project._id elif self.context == "ProjectContext": jobid = None modal_label = "project" def make_card(filename): return { "name": + ": " + filename, "content": render_template( self.template, modal_label=modal_label, jobid=jobid, filename=filename, ), } image_globs = [ glob.iglob(job_or_project.fn(image_glob)) for image_glob in self.img_globs ] image_files = itertools.chain(*image_globs) image_files = sorted(image_files, key=self.sort_key) for filepath in image_files: yield make_card(os.path.relpath(filepath, job_or_project.fn("")))