Link to LSF on IBM Knowledge Center

class flow.environment.DefaultLSFEnvironment[source]

Bases: ComputeEnvironment

Default environment for clusters with a LSF scheduler.
{% extends "" %}
{% block header %}
#BSUB -J {{ id }}
    {% set memory_requested = operations | calc_memory(parallel) %}
    {% if memory_requested %}
#BSUB -M {{ memory_requested|format_memory }}B
    {% endif %}
    {% if partition %}
#BSUB -q {{ partition }}
    {% endif %}
    {% set walltime = operations | calc_walltime(parallel) %}
    {% if walltime %}
#BSUB -W {{ walltime|format_timedelta(style='HH:MM') }}
    {% endif %}
    {% if job_output %}
#BSUB -eo {{ job_output }}
    {% endif %}
    {% block tasks %}
#BSUB -n {{ resources.ncpu_tasks }}
    {% endblock tasks %}
{% endblock header %}