Example Project


The signac-flow package is designed to operate with a scheduler. We submit operations to the scheduler by generating a script, which contains the commands to execute these.


The following example is designed to teach how to use a FlowProject. To implement an actual project, it is usually better to fork the signac-project-template instead of starting from scratch.

For the sake of example, let’s make the following assumptions:

  1. We operate on a signac data space spanned by parameters a and b.
  2. We initialize the data space in an init.py script by creating an init.txt file for each job.
  3. After initialization we want to execute a job-operation on a cluster using the foo program which requires the name of the input file and a parameter a as arguments.
  4. The output of foo will be stored in a file called out.txt.
  5. The foo program may be parallelized with MPI on up to b ranks.
  6. Finally, we want to label our jobs, so that we can assess the project’s overall state.


To get started we implement an initialization routine:

# init.py
import signac

project = signac.init_project('MyProject')

for a in range(10):
    for b in range(10):
        with project.open_job(dict(a=a, b=b)) as job:
            with open('init.txt', 'w') as file:
                # Some initialization routine

Workflow logic

Then we will implement the workflow logic in a module called project.py by specializing a FlowProject:

# project.py
from math import ceil

from flow import FlowProject
from flow import JobOperation

class MyProject(FlowProject):

    # The classification of our job workspace is simple:
    def classify(self, job):
        if job.isfile('init.txt'):
            yield 'initialized'
        if job.isfile('out.txt'):
            yield 'processed'

    # There is only one operation in this project:
    def next_operation(self, job):
        labels = set(self.classify(job))
        # We can't run any operation if the job has not been properly initialized.
        if 'initialized' not in labels:

        # If 'processed' is not among the labels, we return the command that
        # will execute the operation.
        if 'processed' not in labels:
            return JobOperation('process', job, 'foo -a {} init.txt > out.txt'.format(job.sp.a))

    # The FlowProject will automatically gather and bundle operations that are eligible
    # for execution. The user needs to specify how exactly these bundled operations
    # are executed on the cluster.
    def submit_user(self, env, _id, operations, **kwargs):
        # First we define a helper function to determine the # of processors
        # required for a specific operation

        def np(op):
            return op.job.sp.b if op.name == 'process' else 1

        # We use this function to determine the total number of required processors.
        np_total = sum(map(op, operations))

        # Then we calculate the # of required nodes based on the
        # processors per node(ppn) provided during submission.
        nn = ceil(np_total / ppn)

        # We start writing the job submission script by creating a JobScript instance
        # from the environment (env). The JobScript class is a thin io.StringIO wrapper,
        # essentially a in-memory text file.
        # The JobScript instance contains a environment specific header and the exact
        # arguments required depend on the specific environment, but most environments
        # require a name (_id), the number of nodes (nn) and processors per node (ppn).
        sscript = env.script(_id, nn=nn, ppn=ppn)

        # Then we write the command for each operation to the script, assuming that we
        # want to execute the operation from within the job's workspace.
        # The `write_cmd()` method will write the command to the script, wrapping it with
        # the environment specific mpi execution command if np is larger than one and making
        # sure that the command is executed in the background if bg is True.
        for op in operations:
            sscript.writeline('cd {}'.format(op.job.workspace()))
            sscript.write_cmd(op.cmd, np=np(op), bg=True)

        # Finally, we want to wait until all processes have finished before exiting the script.

Workflow Execution

We can initialize the project’s data space by executing the init.py script:

$ python init.py

To print the status of the project to screen, execute:

>>> project = MyProject()
>>> project.print_status(detailed=True, params=('a',))
Status project 'test-project':
Total # of jobs: 10
label         progress
------------  --------------------------------------------------
initialized   |########################################| 100.00%
processed     |##########################--------------| 66.67%
Detailed view:
job_id                           S  next_job  a  labels
-------------------------------- -  --------  -  -------------------------
108ef78ec381244447a108f931fe80db U            1  initialized, processed
be01a9fd6b3044cf12c4a83ee9612f84 U            2  initialized, processed
32764c28ef130baefebeba76a158ac4e U  process   3  initialized
# ...

We can submit the operations to the cluster by executing the project.submit() function. In many cases it is useful to create a separate submit.py script, which allows to submit operations directly from the command line, for example like this:

# submit.py
import argparse

from flow import get_environment

from project import MyProject

project = MyProject.get_project()
env = get_environment()

parser = argparser.ArgumentParser()
args = parser.parse_args()

project.submit(env, **vars(args))

This means we can execute the submission like this:

$ python submit.py

To get help concerning possible command line options, use the --help argument:

$ python submit.py --help