Source code for signac_dashboard.module

# Copyright (c) 2019 The Regents of the University of Michigan
# All rights reserved.
# This software is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License.
from flask import render_template

[docs]class Module: """Base class for dashboard modules. Modules provide *cards* of content, for a specific *context*. Each module must have a **name** which appears in its cards' titles, a **context** (such as :code:`'JobContext'`) in which its contents will be displayed, and a **template** file (written in HTML/Jinja-compatible syntax) for rendering card content. Modules can be disabled by default, by setting :code:`enabled=False` in the constructor. **Custom modules:** User-defined module classes should be a subclass of :py:class:`~.Module` and define the function :py:meth:`~.Module.get_cards`. See `this example <>`_. **Module assets:** If a module requires scripts or stylesheets to be included for its content to be rendered, they must be handled by the callback :py:meth:`.register`. For example, a module inheriting from the base :py:class:`signac_dashboard.Module` class may implement this by overriding the default method as follows: .. code-block:: python def register(self, dashboard): assets = ['js/my-script.js', 'css/my-style.css'] for asset in assets: dashboard.register_module_asset({ 'file': 'templates/my-module/{}'.format(asset), 'url': '/module/my-module/{}'.format(asset) }) Then, when the module is active, its assets will be included and a route will be created that returns the asset file. **Module routes:** The callback :py:meth:`.register` allows modules to implement custom routes, such as methods that should be triggered by :code:`POST` requests or custom APIs. For example, a module inheriting from the base :py:class:`signac_dashboard.Module` class may implement this by overriding the default method as follows: .. code-block:: python def register(self, dashboard):'/module/my-module/update', methods=['POST']) def my_module_update(): # Perform update return "Saved." :param name: Name of this module (appears in card titles). :type name: str :param context: Context in which this module's cards should be displayed (e.g. :code:`'JobContext'`). :type context: str :param template: Path to a template file for this module's cards (e.g. :code:`cards/my_module.html`, without the template directory prefix :code:`templates/`). :type template: str """ # noqa: E501 def __init__(self, name, context, template, enabled=True): self._module = self.__module__ self._moduletype = self.__class__.__name__ = name self.context = context self.template = template self.enabled = enabled
[docs] def get_cards(self): """Returns this module's cards for rendering. The cards are returned as a list of dictionaries with keys :code:`'name'` and :code:`'content'`. :returns: List of module cards. :rtype: list """ return [{"name":, "content": render_template(self.template)}]
[docs] def enable(self): """Enable this module.""" self.enabled = True
[docs] def disable(self): """Disable this module.""" self.enabled = False
[docs] def toggle(self): """Toggle this module.""" self.enabled = not self.enabled
[docs] def register(self, dashboard): """Callback to register this module with the dashboard. This callback should register assets and routes, as well as any other initialization that accesses or modifies the dashboard. :param dashboard: The dashboard invoking this callback method. :type dashboard: :py:class:`signac_dashboard.Dashboard` """ pass