Welcome to the signac framework documentation!
The signac framework supports researchers in managing project-related data with a well-defined indexable storage layout for data and metadata. This streamlines post-processing and analysis and makes data collectively accessible. The signac framework aims to help make computational research projects Transparent, Reproducible, Usable by others, and Extensible (TRUE) [TGM+20], a set of principles put forth by the MoSDeF Collaboration [CMI+21].
This is the overall framework documentation. It provides a comprehensive overview on what you can do with packages that are part of the signac framework. If you are new to signac, the best place to start is to read the Concept and the Tutorial.
Getting Started
Package API Reference
Topic Guide
- Projects
- Jobs
- Query API
- The Dashboard
- The FlowProject
- Cluster Submission
- Manage Environments
- Templates
- FlowGroups
- Aggregation
- Hooks
- Configuration
- Advanced How-To
- Migrating (changing) the project schema
- Initializing state points with replica indices
- Defining a grid of state point values
- Creating parameter-dependent operations
- Using signac-flow with MATLAB or other software without Python interface
- Running MPI-parallelized operations
- Forcing the execution of a specific operation for debugging
- Running in containerized environments
- Using multiple execution environments for operations
- Passing command line options to operations run in a container or other environment