Source code for signac_dashboard.dashboard

# Copyright (c) 2019 The Regents of the University of Michigan
# All rights reserved.
# This software is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License.

from flask import Flask, session, request, url_for, render_template, flash, g
from werkzeug.urls import url_encode
import jinja2
from flask_assets import Environment, Bundle
from flask_turbolinks import turbolinks
import os
import sys
import logging
import warnings
import shlex
import argparse
import inspect
from functools import lru_cache
from numbers import Real
import json
import natsort
import signac
from watchdog.observers import Observer
from import FileSystemEventHandler

from .version import __version__
from .pagination import Pagination
from .util import LazyView

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class _FileSystemEventHandler(FileSystemEventHandler):

    def __init__(self, dashboard):
        self.dashboard = dashboard

    def on_modified(self, event):
        if os.path.realpath(event.src_path) == \

[docs]class Dashboard: """A dashboard application to display a :py:class:`signac.Project`. The Dashboard class is designed to be used as a base class for a child class such as :code:`MyDashboard` which can be customized and launched via its command line interface (CLI). The CLI is invoked by calling :py:meth:`.main` on an instance of this class. **Configuration options:** The :code:`config` dictionary recognizes the following options: - **HOST**: Sets binding address (default: localhost). - **PORT**: Sets port to listen on (default: 8888). - **DEBUG**: Enables debug mode if :code:`True` (default: :code:`False`). - **PROFILE**: Enables the profiler :py:class:`werkzeug.middleware.profiler.ProfilerMiddleware` if :code:`True` (default: :code:`False`). - **PER_PAGE**: Maximum number of jobs to show per page (default: 25). - **SECRET_KEY**: This must be specified to run via WSGI with multiple workers, so that sessions remain intact. See the `Flask docs <>`_ for more information. - **ALLOW_WHERE**: If True, search queries can include :code:`$where` statements, which potentially allows arbitrary code execution from user input. *Caution:* This should only be enabled in trusted environments, never on a publicly-accessible server (default: False). :param config: Configuration dictionary (default: :code:`{}`). :type config: dict :param project: signac project (default: :code:`None`, autodetected). :type project: :py:class:`signac.Project` :param modules: List of :py:class:`~.Module` instances to display. :type modules: list """ def __init__(self, config={}, project=None, modules=[]): if project is None: self.project = signac.get_project() else: self.project = project self.config = config self.modules = modules self.event_handler = _FileSystemEventHandler(self) = Observer(), self.project.workspace()) self._prepare() def _create_app(self, config={}): """Creates a Flask application. :param config: Dictionary of configuration parameters. """ app = Flask('signac-dashboard') app.config.update({ 'SECRET_KEY': os.urandom(24), 'SEND_FILE_MAX_AGE_DEFAULT': 300, # Cache control for static files }) # Load the provided config app.config.update(config) # Enable profiling if app.config.get('PROFILE'): logger.warning("Application profiling is enabled.") from werkzeug.contrib.profiler import ProfilerMiddleware app.wsgi_app = ProfilerMiddleware(app.wsgi_app, restrictions=[10]) # Set up default signac-dashboard static and template paths signac_dashboard_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) app.static_folder = signac_dashboard_path + '/static' app.template_folder = signac_dashboard_path + '/templates' # Set up custom template paths # The paths in DASHBOARD_PATHS give the preferred order of template # loading loader_list = [] for dashpath in list(app.config.get('DASHBOARD_PATHS', [])): logger.warning("Adding '{}' to dashboard paths.".format(dashpath)) loader_list.append( jinja2.FileSystemLoader(dashpath + '/templates')) # The default loader goes last and is overridden by any custom paths loader_list.append(app.jinja_loader) app.jinja_loader = jinja2.ChoiceLoader(loader_list) turbolinks(app) return app def _create_assets(self): """Add assets for inclusion in the dashboard HTML.""" assets = Environment( # jQuery is served as a standalone file jquery = Bundle('js/jquery-*.min.js', output='gen/jquery.min.js') # JavaScript is combined into one file and minified js_all = Bundle('js/js_all/*.js', filters='jsmin', output='gen/app.min.js') # SCSS (Sassy CSS) is compiled to CSS scss_all = Bundle('scss/app.scss', filters='libsass', output='gen/app.css') assets.register('jquery', jquery) assets.register('js_all', js_all) assets.register('scss_all', scss_all) return assets
[docs] def register_module_asset(self, asset): """Register an asset required by a dashboard module. Some modules require special scripts or stylesheets, like the :py:class:`signac_dashboard.modules.Notes` module. It is recommended to use a namespace for each module that matches the example below: .. code-block:: python dashboard.register_module_asset({ 'file': 'templates/my-module/js/my-script.js', 'url': '/module/my-module/js/my-script.js' }) :param asset: A dictionary with keys :code:`'file'` and :code:`'url'`. :type asset: dict """ self._module_assets.append(asset)
def _prepare(self): """Prepare this dashboard instance to run.""" # Set configuration defaults and save to the project document self.config.setdefault('PAGINATION', True) self.config.setdefault('PER_PAGE', 25) # Create and configure the Flask application = self._create_app(self.config) # Add assets and routes self.assets = self._create_assets() self._register_routes() # Add module assets and routes self._module_assets = [] for module in self.modules: try: module.register(self) except Exception as e: logger.error('Error while registering {} module: {}'.format(, e)) logger.error('Removing module {} from dashboard.'.format( self.modules.remove(module) # Clear dashboard and project caches. self.update_cache()
[docs] def run(self, *args, **kwargs): """Runs the dashboard webserver. Use :py:meth:`~.main` instead of this method for the command-line interface. Arguments to this function are passed directly to :py:meth:``. """ host = self.config.get('HOST', 'localhost') port = self.config.get('PORT', 8888) max_retries = 5 for _ in range(max_retries): try:, port, *args, **kwargs) break except OSError as e: logger.warning(e) if port: port += 1 pass
@lru_cache() def _project_basic_index(self, include_job_document=False): index = [] for item in self.project.index( include_job_document=include_job_document ): index.append(item) return index @lru_cache() def _schema_variables(self): _index = self._project_basic_index() sp_index = self.project.build_job_statepoint_index( exclude_const=True, index=_index) schema_variables = [] for keys, _ in sp_index: schema_variables.append(keys) return schema_variables @lru_cache() def _project_min_len_unique_id(self): return self.project.min_len_unique_id()
[docs] def job_title(self, job): """Override this method for custom job titles. This method generates job titles. By default, the title is a pretty (but verbose) form of the job state point, based on the project schema. :param job: The job being titled. :type job: :py:class:`signac.contrib.job.Job` :returns: Title to be displayed. :rtype: str """ def _format_num(num): if isinstance(num, bool): return str(num) elif isinstance(num, Real): return str(round(num, 2)) return str(num) try: s = [] for keys in sorted(self._schema_variables()): v = job.statepoint()[keys[0]] try: for key in keys[1:]: v = v[key] except KeyError: # Particular key is present in overall continue # schema, but not this state point. else: s.append('{}={}'.format('.'.join(keys), _format_num(v))) return ' '.join(s) except Exception as error: logger.debug( "Error while generating job title: '{}'. " "Returning job-id as fallback.".format(error)) return str(job)
[docs] def job_subtitle(self, job): """Override this method for custom job subtitles. This method generates job subtitles. By default, the subtitle is a minimal unique substring of the job id. :param job: The job being subtitled. :type job: :py:class:`signac.contrib.job.Job` :returns: Subtitle to be displayed. :rtype: str """ return str(job)[:max(8, self._project_min_len_unique_id())]
[docs] def job_sorter(self, job): """Override this method for custom job sorting. This method returns a key that can be compared to sort jobs. By default, the sorting key is based on :py:func:`Dashboard.job_title`, with natural sorting of numbers. Good examples of such keys are strings or tuples of properties that should be used to sort. :param job: The job being sorted. :type job: :py:class:`signac.contrib.job.Job` :returns: Key for sorting. :rtype: any comparable type """ key = natsort.natsort_keygen(key=self.job_title, alg=natsort.REAL) return key(job)
@lru_cache() def _get_all_jobs(self): return sorted(self.project.find_jobs(), key=self.job_sorter) @lru_cache(maxsize=100) def _job_search(self, query): if '$where' in query and not self.config.get('ALLOW_WHERE', False): flash('Searches using $where allow arbitrary code execution and ' 'are only allowed when the configuration option ' '\'ALLOW_WHERE\' is enabled. See also: <a href="">Security Guidelines</a>', # noqa:E501 'warning') raise RuntimeError('ALLOW_WHERE must be enabled for this query.') querytype = 'statepoint' if query[:4] == 'doc:': query = query[4:] querytype = 'document' try: if query is None: f = None else: try: f = json.loads(query) except json.JSONDecodeError: query = shlex.split(query) f = signac.contrib.filterparse.parse_filter_arg(query) flash("Search string interpreted as '{}'.".format( json.dumps(f))) if querytype == 'document': jobs = self.project.find_jobs(doc_filter=f) else: jobs = self.project.find_jobs(filter=f) return sorted(jobs, key=lambda job: self.job_sorter(job)) except json.JSONDecodeError as error: flash('Failed to parse query argument. ' 'Ensure that \'{}\' is valid JSON!'.format(query), 'warning') raise error @lru_cache(maxsize=65536) def _job_details(self, job): return { 'job': job, 'title': self.job_title(job), 'subtitle': self.job_subtitle(job), } def _setup_pagination(self, jobs): total_count = len(jobs) if isinstance(jobs, list) else 0 page = request.args.get('page', 1) try: page = int(page) except (ValueError, TypeError): page = 1 flash('Pagination Error. Displaying page {}.'.format(page), 'danger') pagination = Pagination(page, self.config['PER_PAGE'], total_count) if < 1 or > pagination.pages: = max(1, min(, pagination.pages)) if pagination.pages > 0: flash('Pagination Error. Displaying page {}.'.format(, 'danger') return pagination def _render_job_view(self, *args, **kwargs): g.active_page = 'jobs' view_mode = request.args.get('view', kwargs.get( 'default_view', 'list')) if view_mode == 'grid': if 'enabled_modules' in session and \ len(session.get('enabled_modules', [])) == 0: flash('No modules are enabled.', 'info') return render_template('jobs_grid.html', *args, **kwargs) elif view_mode == 'list': return render_template('jobs_list.html', *args, **kwargs) else: return self._render_error( ValueError('Invalid view mode: {}'.format(view_mode))) def _render_error(self, error): if isinstance(error, Exception): error_string = "{}: {}".format(type(error).__name__, error) else: error_string = error logger.error(error_string) flash(error_string, 'danger') return render_template('error.html') def _get_job_details(self, jobs): return [self._job_details(job) for job in list(jobs)]
[docs] def add_url(self, import_name, url_rules=[], import_file='signac_dashboard', **options): """Add a route to the dashboard. This method allows custom view functions to be triggered for specified routes. These view functions are imported lazily, when their route is triggered. For example, write a file :code:``: .. code-block:: python def my_custom_view(dashboard): return 'This is a custom message.' Then, in :code:``: .. code-block:: python from signac_dashboard import Dashboard class MyDashboard(Dashboard): pass if __name__ == '__main__': dashboard = MyDashboard() dashboard.add_url('my_custom_view', url_rules=['/custom-url'], import_file='my_views') dashboard.main() Finally, launching the dashboard with :code:`python run` and navigating to :code:`/custom-url` will show the custom message. This can be used in conjunction with user-provided jinja templates and the method :py:func:`flask.render_template` for extending dashboard functionality. :param import_name: The view function name to be imported. :type import_name: str :param url_rules: A list of URL rules, see :py:meth:`flask.Flask.add_url_rule`. :type url_rules: list :param import_file: The module from which to import (default: :code:`'signac_dashboard'`). :type import_file: str :param \\**options: Additional options to pass to :py:meth:`flask.Flask.add_url_rule`. """ if import_file is not None: import_name = import_file + '.' + import_name for url_rule in url_rules: rule=url_rule, view_func=LazyView(dashboard=self, import_name=import_name), **options)
def _register_routes(self): """Registers routes with the Flask application. This method configures context processors, templates, and sets up routes for a basic Dashboard instance. Additionally, routes declared by modules are registered by this method. """ dashboard = self def prevent_caching(response): if 'Cache-Control' not in response.headers: response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'no-store' return response def injections(): session.setdefault('enabled_modules', [i for i in range(len(self.modules)) if self.modules[i].enabled]) return { 'APP_NAME': 'signac-dashboard', 'APP_VERSION': __version__, 'PROJECT_NAME': self.project.config['project'], 'PROJECT_DIR': self.project.config['project_dir'], 'modules': self.modules, 'enabled_modules': session['enabled_modules'], 'module_assets': self._module_assets } # Add pagination support from def url_for_other_page(page): args = request.args.copy() args['page'] = page return url_for(request.endpoint, **args) def modify_query(**new_values): args = request.args.copy() for key, value in new_values.items(): args[key] = value return '{}?{}'.format(request.path, url_encode(args)) def page_not_found(error): return self._render_error(str(error)) self.add_url('views.home', ['/']) self.add_url('views.settings', ['/settings']) self.add_url('', ['/search']) self.add_url('views.jobs_list', ['/jobs/']) self.add_url('views.show_job', ['/jobs/<jobid>']) self.add_url('views.get_file', ['/jobs/<jobid>/file/<path:filename>']) self.add_url('views.change_modules', ['/modules'], methods=['POST'])
[docs] def update_cache(self): """Clear project and dashboard server caches. The dashboard relies on caching for performance. If the data space is altered, this method may need to be called before the dashboard reflects those changes. """ # Try to update signac project cache. Requires signac 0.9.2 or later. with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=FutureWarning) try: self.project.update_cache() except Exception: pass # Clear caches of all dashboard methods members = inspect.getmembers(self, predicate=inspect.ismethod) for func in filter(lambda f: hasattr(f, 'cache_clear'), map(lambda x: x[1], members)): func.cache_clear()
def __call__(self, environ, start_response): """Call the dashboard as a WSGI application.""" return, start_response)
[docs] def main(self): """Runs the command line interface. Call this function to use signac-dashboard from its command line interface. For example, save this script as :code:``: .. code-block:: python from signac_dashboard import Dashboard class MyDashboard(Dashboard): pass if __name__ == '__main__': MyDashboard().main() Then the dashboard can be launched with: .. code-block:: bash python run """ def _run(args): kwargs = vars(args) if kwargs.get('host', None) is not None: self.config['HOST'] = kwargs.pop('host') if kwargs.get('port', None) is not None: self.config['PORT'] = kwargs.pop('port') self.config['PROFILE'] = kwargs.pop('profile') self.config['DEBUG'] = kwargs.pop('debug') parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="signac-dashboard is a web-based data visualization " "and analysis tool, part of the signac framework.") parser.add_argument( '--debug', action='store_true', help="Show traceback on error for debugging.") parser.add_argument( '--version', action='store_true', help="Display the version number and exit.") subparsers = parser.add_subparsers() parser_run = subparsers.add_parser('run') parser_run.add_argument( '-p', '--profile', action='store_true', help='Enable flask performance profiling.') parser_run.add_argument( '-d', '--debug', action='store_true', help='Enable flask debug mode.') parser_run.add_argument( '--host', type=str, help='Host (binding address). Default: localhost') parser_run.add_argument( '--port', type=int, help='Port to listen on. Default: 8888') parser_run.set_defaults(func=_run) # This is a hack, as argparse itself does not # allow to parse only --version without any # of the other required arguments. if '--version' in sys.argv: print('signac-dashboard', __version__) sys.exit(0) args = parser.parse_args() if args.debug: logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) if not hasattr(args, 'func'): parser.print_usage() sys.exit(2) try: args.func(args) except RuntimeWarning as warning: logger.warning("Warning: {}".format(warning)) if args.debug: raise sys.exit(1) except Exception as error: logger.error('Error: {}'.format(error)) if args.debug: raise sys.exit(1) finally: