Source code for flow.environments.umich

# Copyright (c) 2018 The Regents of the University of Michigan
# All rights reserved.
# This software is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License.
"""Environments for the University of Michigan HPC environment."""
from ..environment import DefaultSlurmEnvironment

[docs]class GreatLakesEnvironment(DefaultSlurmEnvironment): """Environment profile for the Great Lakes supercomputer. """ hostname_pattern = r'gl(-login)?[0-9]+\.arc-ts\.umich\.edu' template = '' cores_per_node = 1 @classmethod def add_args(cls, parser): super(GreatLakesEnvironment, cls).add_args(parser) parser.add_argument( '--partition', choices=('standard', 'gpu', 'largemem'), default='standard', help="Specify the partition to submit to. " "(default=standard)") parser.add_argument( '--memory', default='4g', help=("Specify how much memory to reserve per node, e.g. \"4g\" for " "4 gigabytes or \"512m\" for 512 megabytes. Only relevant " "for shared queue jobs. (default=4g)"))
__all__ = ['GreatLakesEnvironment']