Source code for flow.scheduling.fake_scheduler

# Copyright (c) 2018 The Regents of the University of Michigan
# All rights reserved.
# This software is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License.
"""Implementation of the scheduling system for a fake scheduler.

The :class:`~.FakeScheduler` class can be used in place of a real scheduler
to test the cluster job submission workflow.
import logging

from .base import Scheduler

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class FakeScheduler(Scheduler): """Implementation of the abstract :class:`~.Scheduler` class for a fake scheduler. This scheduler does not actually schedule (or execute) any jobs, but it can be used to test the submission workflow. """
[docs] def jobs(self): """Return None (no jobs are scheduled by the FakeScheduler).""" return None
[docs] def submit(self, script, **kwargs): r"""Print the script to screen. Parameters ---------- script : str Script to print. \*\*kwargs Keyword arguments (ignored). """ print(script)
[docs] @classmethod def is_present(cls): """Return False. The :class:`~.FakeScheduler` is never present unless manually specified. """ return False