Source code for flow.operations

# Copyright (c) 2018 The Regents of the University of Michigan
# All rights reserved.
# This software is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License.
"""This module implements the run() function, which when called equips
a regular Python module with a command line interface, which can be used
to execute functions defined within the same module, that operate on a
signac data space.
import sys
import argparse
import logging
import inspect
import subprocess
from multiprocessing import Pool
from functools import wraps

from signac import get_project

from .util.tqdm import tqdm

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def cmd(func): """Specifies that ``func`` returns a shell command. If this function is an operation function defined by :class:`~.FlowProject`, it will be interpreted to return a shell command, instead of executing the function itself. For example: .. code-block:: python @FlowProject.operation @flow.cmd def hello(job): return "echo {job._id}" """ if getattr(func, "_flow_with_job", False): raise RuntimeError("@cmd should appear below the @with_job decorator in your script") setattr(func, '_flow_cmd', True) return func
[docs]def with_job(func): """Specifies that ``func(arg)`` will use ``arg`` as a context manager. If this function is an operation function defined by :class:`~.FlowProject`, it will be the same as using ``with job:``. For example: .. code-block:: python @FlowProject.operation @flow.with_job def hello(job): print("hello {}".format(job)) Is equivalent to: .. code-block:: python @FlowProject.operation def hello(job): with job: print("hello {}".format(job)) This also works with the `@cmd` decorator: .. code-block:: python @FlowProject.operation @with_job @cmd def hello(job): return "echo 'hello {}'".format(job) Is equivalent to: .. code-block:: python @FlowProject.operation @cmd def hello_cmd(job): return 'trap "cd `pwd`" EXIT && cd {} && echo "hello {job}"'.format( """ @wraps(func) def decorated(job): with job: if getattr(func, "_flow_cmd", False): return 'trap "cd $(pwd)" EXIT && cd {} && {}'.format(, func(job)) else: return func(job) setattr(decorated, '_flow_with_job', True) return decorated
[docs]class directives(object): """Decorator for operation functions to provide additional execution directives. Directives can for example be used to provide information about required resources such as the number of processes required for execution of parallelized operations. In addition, you can use the `@directives(fork=True)` directive to enforce that a particular operation is always executed within a subprocess and not within the Python interpreter's process even if there are no other reasons that would prevent that. .. note:: Setting `fork=False` will not prevent forking if there are other reasons for forking, such as a timeout. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.kwargs = kwargs @classmethod def copy_from(cls, func): return cls(** getattr(func, '_flow_directives', dict())) def __call__(self, func): directives = getattr(func, '_flow_directives', dict()) directives.update(self.kwargs) setattr(func, '_flow_directives', directives) return func
def _get_operations(include_private=False): """"Yields the name of all functions that qualify as an operation function. The module is inspected and all functions that have only one argument is yielded. Unless the 'include_private' argument is True, all private functions, that means the name starts with one or more '_' characters are ignored. """ module = inspect.getmodule(inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back) for name, obj in inspect.getmembers(module): if not include_private and name.startswith('_'): continue if inspect.isfunction(obj): signature = inspect.getfullargspec(obj) if len(signature.args) == 1: yield name
[docs]def run(parser=None): """Access to the "run" interface of an operations module. Executing this function within a module will start a command line interface, that can be used to execute operations defined within the same module. All **top-level unary functions** will be interpreted as executable operation functions. For example, if we have a module as such: .. code-block:: python # def hello(job): print('hello', job) if __name__ == '__main__': import flow Then we can execute the ``hello`` operation for all jobs from the command like like this: .. code-block:: bash $ python hello .. note:: You can control the degree of parallelization with the ``--np`` argument. For more information, see: .. code-block:: bash $ python --help """ if parser is None: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( 'operation', type=str, choices=list(_get_operations()), help="The operation to execute.") parser.add_argument( 'jobid', type=str, nargs='*', help="The job ids, as registered in the signac project. " "Omit to default to all statepoints.") parser.add_argument( '--np', type=int, default=1, help="Specify the number of cores to parallelize to (default=1) or 0 " "to parallelize on as many cores as there are available.") parser.add_argument( '-t', '--timeout', type=int, help="A timeout in seconds after which the parallel execution " "of operations is canceled.") parser.add_argument( '--progress', action='store_true', help="Display a progress bar during execution.") args = parser.parse_args() project = get_project() def _open_job_by_id(_id): try: return project.open_job(id=_id) except KeyError: msg = "Did not find job corresponding to id '{}'.".format(_id) raise KeyError(msg) except LookupError: raise LookupError("Multiple matches for id '{}'.".format(_id)) if len(args.jobid): try: jobs = [_open_job_by_id(jid) for jid in args.jobid] except (KeyError, LookupError) as e: print(e, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) else: jobs = project module = inspect.getmodule(inspect.currentframe().f_back) try: operation_func = getattr(module, args.operation) except AttributeError: raise KeyError("Unknown operation '{}'.".format(args.operation)) if getattr(operation_func, '_flow_cmd', False): def operation(job): cmd = operation_func(job).format(job=job), shell=True, timeout=args.timeout, check=True) else: operation = operation_func # Serial execution if == 1 or len(jobs) < 2: if args.timeout is not None: logger.warning("A timeout has no effect in serial execution!") for job in tqdm(jobs) if args.progress else jobs: operation(job) else: with Pool( as pool: result = pool.imap_unordered(operation, jobs) for _ in tqdm(jobs) if args.progress else jobs:
__all__ = ['cmd', 'directives', 'run']